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  • 31 May 2024 8:33 AM | Anonymous

    We Energies and Wisconsin Public Service — both owned by WEC Energy Group — have filed applications with the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin to increase electric and gas rates in 2025 and 2026.

    We Energies hopes to increase electric rates by 6.9 percent in 2025 and 4.6 percent in 2026, according to the utility’s application with the PSC. It also requested increases for both of the gas utilities it owns. One of the gas utilities would increase rates by 10 percent next year and 5.1 percent by 2026. The other asked to increase rates by 8.2 percent in 2025 and 3.6 percent in 2026. We Energies’ steam utility in downtown Milwaukee also asked for an 8.4 percent rate hike in 2025 but no increase in 2026.

    Meanwhile, Wisconsin Public Service is requesting an 8.5 percent electric rate increase in 2025 and a 4.9 percent increase in 2026, according to the utility’s application. WPS also requested gas rate increases of 6.8 percent next year and 3.9 percent in 2026.

    The rate increases need approval from the Wisconsin public Service Commission after review and potential modification.

  • 31 May 2024 8:31 AM | Anonymous

    Xcel Energy, Central Minnesota Municipal Power Agency, Great River Energy, Missouri River Energy Services and Otter Tail Power Company will upgrade nearly 100 miles of transmission line in Minnesota and eastern South Dakota, allowing the companies and other energy providers to deliver more low-cost renewable energy to customers throughout the Upper Midwest while saving customers millions of dollars a year.

    This week, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission approved the installation of a second high-voltage circuit on two segments of the existing Brookings County-Hampton transmission line. One segment of new circuit will run between Brookings, South Dakota, and Marshall, Minnesota, while the other will run between Scott and Dakota counties in Minnesota. Xcel Energy will start construction beginning in South Dakota this month.

    “This project will bring low-cost renewable energy to millions of homes and businesses, supporting Xcel Energy’s clean energy vision and Minnesota’s 2040 carbon-free law,” said Ryan Long, president, Xcel Energy-Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota. “We thank the Commission and other parties for recognizing the value of this project, which uses existing infrastructure to decrease congestion on our transmission system while limiting the impact to landowners in the area.”

    This transmission project will have far-reaching congestion relief benefits. It will provide additional capacity, allowing more low-cost generation from southwest Minnesota and eastern South Dakota to reach customers throughout the region. Wind energy does not have any fuel costs and contributes to a diversified energy mix which helps protect against rising fuel prices and saves customers money.

    Most of the proposed project will not require changes to the existing transmission line route which began operation in 2015 as part of the CapX2020 project, a joint project with several energy providers. At that time, the MPUC and CapX2020 companies agreed there would likely be a need for new transmission in the future. As a result, the project team constructed the middle portion of the line between Lyon and Scott counties with two circuits and built the western and eastern segments as “double circuit capable.” This allowed the companies to meet customers’ energy needs at the time while anticipating growing demand and wind generation in the future.

  • 31 May 2024 8:31 AM | Anonymous

    Alliant Energy, with four Grinnell community partners, has broken ground on multiple solar projects that will total 5 megawatts at the new Grinnell Solar Park on the west side of the city. Alliant Energy will own, operate and maintain the Grinnell Solar Park as part of its Alliant Energy Customer-Hosted Renewables program.

    “This new solar park showcases the benefits of renewable energy and a new source of reliable energy for the community,” according to Amanda Accola, Senior Key Account Manager for Alliant Energy. “We’re appreciative of the forward-looking partners that made these four projects possible.”

    The four community partners will each have their own solar projects nestled within the park. The City of Grinnell and Grinnell College will both have 2-MW projects. Mayflower Community and Ahrens Park Foundation will have a 625-kilowatt (kW) and a 375-kW facility, respectively.

  • 31 May 2024 8:28 AM | Anonymous

    MGE Energy’s utility subsidiary, Madison Gas and Electric is asking State regulators to approve a new community solar program largely based on Shared Solar, MGE's original and fully subscribed community solar program. Shared Solar II would offer participants the option to pay a minimal up-front fee to subscribe to receive energy from a local solar array for six years as the company continues to work toward reduced carbon emissions of at least 80% by 2030 (based on 2005 levels).

    "MGE shares with our customers the goal of a more sustainable energy future. We continue to invest in the greater use of cost-effective, utility-scale renewable resources as we work toward our carbon reduction goals," said Jeff Keebler, MGE Chairman, President and CEO. "Shared Solar II builds on the success of our popular community solar program and provides our customers with another option for affordable, locally generated, carbon-free energy while also reducing costs for nonparticipating customers. Our Shared Solar II program also includes a proposal for a participation option for eligible low-income customers."

    MGE residential and small business electric customers who choose to participate in Shared Solar II would receive carbon-free energy for up to 50% of their annual consumption and would lock in their energy rate for the six-year term of the agreement. Participating customers would pay a minimal up front participation fee based on the number of shares they choose.

    A low-income alternative is also proposed for Shared Solar II. Under the proposed low-income option, eligible customers would pay a smaller up-front participation fee to reserve shares and a lower energy rate to participate. This energy rate also would be fixed for the duration of the six-year agreement. Eligible customers could include those who receive energy assistance from various sources.

  • 31 May 2024 8:27 AM | Anonymous

    Newsweek recently announced their list of the Most Trustworthy Companies in America – for the third year in a row, Alliant Energy was included. This prestigious award is presented by Newsweek and Statista Inc., the world-leading statistics portal and industry ranking provider.

    The Most Trustworthy Companies in America 2024 have been chosen based on a holistic approach to evaluating trust. The three main public pillars of trust were considered: customer trust, investor trust, and employee trust.

    Statista conducted an analysis involving three key steps: defining the market by focusing on US-based companies with revenues exceeding $500 million, conducting an extensive survey with approximately 25,000 US residents who rated companies based on the three main public pillars of trust, resulting in 97,000 evaluations and employing social listening to monitor over 523,000 mentions of companies across various online media segments to assess sentiment.

  • 31 May 2024 8:27 AM | Anonymous

    WEC Energy Group has agreed to acquire a ninety percent ownership interest in the Delilah I Solar Energy Center.in Texas.

    Delilah I is a 300-megawatt project located approximately 140 miles northeast of Dallas. The project was developed and built by Invenergy — a leading global developer and operator of sustainable energy solutions. Commercial operation is expected to begin by the end of June.

    Delilah I will generate renewable energy under a long-term power purchase agreement with a global automaker. WEC Energy Group's investment is expected to total $459 million for the 90% ownership interest.

    "The Delilah Solar project is an exciting addition to our Infrastructure business and highlights our continued investment in affordable, reliable and clean energy. This project will help one of the world's largest automakers meet their clean energy goals for years to come," said Gale Klappa, Executive Chairman.

  • 31 May 2024 8:26 AM | Anonymous

    MGE Energy has reported financial results for the first quarter of 2024. Earnings for the first quarter of 2024 were $33.8 million, or $0.93 per share, compared to $31.1 million, or $0.86 per share for the same period in the prior year.

    In the first quarter of 2024, electric net income increased $2.5 million compared to the first quarter of 2023. The first-quarter results were primarily driven by an increase in investments included in rate base.

    Despite having one of the warmest February months on record, gas net income in the first quarter of 2024 remained relatively flat compared to the first quarter of 2023.

  • 31 May 2024 8:26 AM | Anonymous

    For the second consecutive year, VETS Indexes recognized Alliant Energy as a 3 Star Employer. The award recognizes the organization’s commitment to recruiting, hiring, retaining, developing and supporting veterans and the military-connected community.

    “The diligent efforts of Alliant Energy to hire, retain and support veterans and the military-connected community have earned the organization a highly coveted VETS Indexes Employer Award,” said George Altman, president of VETS Indexes. “Even with hundreds of employers in the running, Alliant Energy demonstrated a strong dedication to veteran employment. Congratulations to Alliant Energy on this achievement!”

  • 3 May 2024 10:26 AM | Michelle Lancaster (Administrator)

    For the second consecutive year, VETS Indexes has recognized Alliant Energy as a 3 Star Employer. The award recognizes the organization’s commitment to recruiting, hiring, retaining, developing and supporting veterans and the military-connected community.

    “The diligent efforts of Alliant Energy to hire, retain and support veterans and the military-connected community have earned the organization a highly coveted VETS Indexes Employer Award,” said George Altman, president of VETS Indexes. “Even with hundreds of employers in the running, Alliant Energy demonstrated a strong dedication to veteran employment. Congratulations to Alliant Energy on this achievement!” 

    Alliant Energy works proactively to match veteran candidates with available career opportunities and supports the personal and professional development of veterans through an employee-driven Veterans Alliance resource group. Additionally, veterans in the craft trades have benefited from the thousands of local construction jobs and new training opportunities spurred by the company’s recent energy investments. 

    “It’s an honor to be recognized as a 3 Star Employer by VETS Indexes,” said Diane Cooke, vice president and chief human resource officer at Alliant Energy. “The unique skills, training and dedication veterans bring to our team helps us deliver the energy solutions and exceptional service customers and communities count on – safely, efficiently and responsibly. We’re proud to support our veterans and deliver on our purpose-driven strategy to serve customers and build stronger communities.”

  • 3 May 2024 10:13 AM | Michelle Lancaster (Administrator)

    Alliant Energy is aware of and has reviewed the recently published 2023 IQAir report, in which Beloit, Wisconsin, is identified as the most polluted city in the U.S. Recent media coverage of the report inaccurately states that Alliant Energy’s Riverside and West Riverside Energy Center plays a significant impact in the air quality of Beloit, Wisconsin. The media reports are simply not fact. Many factors impact air quality – and, in the summer of 2023, Canadian wildfires significantly impacted air quality across the Midwest and much of the nation, as stated by the 2023 IQAir report, but omitted from most of the media coverage.  

    Alliant Energy is committed to complying with all environmental requirements and operates its assets in a manner that is protective of the air quality standards established by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and approved operational permits. In fact, prior to its construction, Alliant Energy’s West Riverside facility was required to, and did obtain, air pollution control permits to construct and operate the facility in accordance with the federal and state requirements.  Alliant Energy supports transparency and reports its compliance status with these requirements to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) semi-annually.   

    In contrast to the stringent guidelines set in place by the EPA and WDNR, the 2023 IQAir report is created by third-party public monitors for which quality assurance is limited, nor is oversight provided by state or federal regulators. Alliant Energy has a long and positive partnership with the City of Beloit. Prior to the Energy Center’s construction, several listening sessions and open houses were conducted in the surrounding community to enhance engagement and awareness of the plant’s features and impacts. 

    The generating station was designed to be efficient and flexible to compliment significant renewable energy resources and, with sustainability in mind to promote community, environmental and economic benefits. It has received several awards and recognitions including an Envision Platinum award from the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure– the highest attainable Envision recognition level.  

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