MGE Energy’s utility subsidiary, Madison Gas and Electric is asking State regulators to approve a new community solar program largely based on Shared Solar, MGE's original and fully subscribed community solar program. Shared Solar II would offer participants the option to pay a minimal up-front fee to subscribe to receive energy from a local solar array for six years as the company continues to work toward reduced carbon emissions of at least 80% by 2030 (based on 2005 levels).

"MGE shares with our customers the goal of a more sustainable energy future. We continue to invest in the greater use of cost-effective, utility-scale renewable resources as we work toward our carbon reduction goals," said Jeff Keebler, MGE Chairman, President and CEO. "Shared Solar II builds on the success of our popular community solar program and provides our customers with another option for affordable, locally generated, carbon-free energy while also reducing costs for nonparticipating customers. Our Shared Solar II program also includes a proposal for a participation option for eligible low-income customers."
MGE residential and small business electric customers who choose to participate in Shared Solar II would receive carbon-free energy for up to 50% of their annual consumption and would lock in their energy rate for the six-year term of the agreement. Participating customers would pay a minimal up front participation fee based on the number of shares they choose.
A low-income alternative is also proposed for Shared Solar II. Under the proposed low-income option, eligible customers would pay a smaller up-front participation fee to reserve shares and a lower energy rate to participate. This energy rate also would be fixed for the duration of the six-year agreement. Eligible customers could include those who receive energy assistance from various sources.