Legislation that would have put local communities in charge of local wind and solar projects failed action at the end of the session.
“This bill will give local municipalities a voice and provide local elected officials the final say on whether or not a wind or solar project can be constructed within their city, village or town,“ according to author Wisconsin Representative Bodden.
Currently, the PSC makes decisions about wind and solar farms in Wisconsin. But that has, at times, put state regulators in charge of projects that don’t have unanimous local support.
“I have been inundated with messages from constituents who heavily oppose these massive wind energy projects being proposed in our area. These life-altering projects for communities should involve government at the local level,” Bodden added. His plan would have stopped the PSC from issuing a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity or a Certificate of Authority for any project unless local leaders are on-board.
“Recently, there have been grassroots community informational meetings held to inform the public of the potential downsides of these projects, and these efforts have been growing fast. Communities and locals should have a say,” Bodden said. As the Senate session ended, it failed to take action on Bodden’s bill.